一、报考专业条件 对应招收高职(专科)前置专业为:符合大类。
二、总分与题型结构 本课程总分 150 分;考试无选择题、判断题,其他题型不限。
三、考试方式与时间 本门课程采用闭卷纸质考试,考试时间共120 分钟。
四、参考书目 杨立民.《现代大学英语 精读3》.第2 版.外语教学与研究出版社,2016 年 11 月.
五、考试内容 Unit 1 Your College Years 1. Vocabulary and Grammar in the Text 2. Sentence Paraphrases (main sentences in the text) 3. Translation (Exercises) 4. Rhetorical devices (text) 5. Writing Unit 2 How Reading Changed My Life 1. Vocabulary and Grammar in the Text 2. Sentence Paraphrases (main sentences in the text) 3. Translation (Exercises) 4. Rhetorical devices (text) 5. Writing Unit 3 A Dill Pickle 1. Vocabulary and Grammar in the Text 2. Sentence Paraphrases (main sentences in the text) 3. Translation (Exercises) 4. Rhetorical devices (text) 5. Writing Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander 1. Vocabulary and Grammar in the Text 2. Sentence Paraphrases (main sentences in the text) 3. Translation (Exercises) 4. Rhetorical devices (text) 5. Writing Unit 5 Silent Spring 1. Vocabulary and Grammar in the Text 2. Sentence Paraphrases (main sentences in the text) 3. Translation (Exercises) 4. Rhetorical devices (text) 5. Writing Unit 6 How Do We deal with the Drug Problem?1. Vocabulary and grammar in the Text 2. Sentence Paraphrases (main sentences in the text) 3. Translation (Exercises) 4. Rhetorical devices (text) 5. Writing Unit 8 In My Day 1. Vocabulary and grammar in the Text 2. Sentence Paraphrases (main sentences in the text) 3. Translation (Exercises) 4. Rhetorical devices (text) 5. Writing Unit 9 Globalization’s Duel Power 1. Vocabulary and grammar in the Text 2. Sentence Paraphrases (main sentences in the text) 3. Translation (Exercises) 4. Rhetorical devices (text) 5. Writing Unit 10 The End of the Civil War 1. Vocabulary and grammar in the Text 2. Sentence Paraphrases (main sentences in the text) 3. Translation (Exercises) 4. Rhetorical devices (text) 5. Writing Unit 11 Why Historians Disagree 1. Vocabulary and grammar in the Text 2. Sentence Paraphrases (main sentences in the text) 3. Translation (Exercises) 4. Rhetorical devices (text) 5. Writing Unit 12 The Most Dangerous Game 1. Vocabulary and grammar in the Text 2. Sentence Paraphrases (main sentences in the text) 3. Translation (Exercises) 4. Rhetorical devices (text) 5. Writing