1.In real life, when we meet people, we tend to make allowances to accept their points-of-view.Socially, it’s diplomatic to respect the opinions of others.When we are very young and have no friends,we can say anything we want and we often do. However, as we mature sometimes we must make compromises in terms of who we are, so that we can form and maintain sensible relationships.
2.Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel?Every advance in communications technology is a setback to the intimacy of human interaction. With email and Instant messaging over the Internet,we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another. With voice-mail,you can conduct entire conversations without ever reaching anyone.
1.在现实生活中,当我们遇见别人的时候,我们往往会比较虚心地接受他们的观点。 从社交的角度上看,尊重他人的意见是合乎礼节的。当我们年轻还没有朋友的时候,我们想说什么就说什么,而且我们也经常会这样做。然而,当我们长大成熟之后,我们必 须视我们的身份而留有余地,这样我们才能建立和维持合理的关系。
2.为什么我们联系得越多我却越感到失去了联系呢?通讯技术的每一项进步都是人类 亲密交往的一次倒退。有了因特网上的电子邮件和即时通信,我们现在的通讯可以不必 彼此会面和交谈。有了有声邮件,你可以进行全部谈话而不必面对任何人。
QQ 2789430994(程老师)